Thriving Under Quarantine

Chikwendu C Okenwa
7 min readApr 13, 2020


Thriving under quarantine: What Gaimin got to do with it.

It seems hard to judge what is still relevant to digest under quarantine, as the COVID-19 crisis changes our daily lives as we knew it and fills every news channels and social media. The reality is that we’re currently under constant exposure to anxiety in essence hypnotized. A model recently shared by the White House officials shows that more than 2.2 million people could have died in the United States alone if nothing were done, similar models are been shared by public health researchers around the world, and President Trump, echoed those reports, saying “now isn’t the time to relax” as he prepares Americans for quarantine tough days ahead.

Mr President seem right and perfectly in line with our sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The problem is, our SNS has been triggered by a novel coronavirus and has remained active longer than its function. According to psychology theory, when a sympathetic nervous system remains active for a long period of time, it became chronically charged leading to both energized to fight-or-flight and compelled to do something. That’s the state we feel right now under COVID-19 quarantine, and it’s really frustrating when we can’t figure out what to do, it results in people going to bed stressed, wake up worried and anxious.

The brain suddenly tuned to the environment

To put this into perspective, imagine you’re relaxed doing your normal thing, suddenly you perceived danger, your pupils widen-up, as your brain became more in tuned to the environment and want more input from your environment. What the heck is out there? It automatically shuts down digestion (your normal mode). It says, forget about digestion, that’s not important right now. We can do that later when we’re relaxed again, what I do care about is survival. That’s the sympathetic nervous system in action, It’s known as our fight-or-flight system, so upon activation, it strengthens you, gives you all the energy to deal with the threat and prompt you to either face it and fight it or quickly flee from it. That’s one of those games our brian love playing a lot, I call it “the game of the mind” or “mystery of the mind” — so you have to make sure you’re in full control at all times.

Think of it as your short-term survival system and that’s exactly what it was developed to handle. With COVID-19, the threat is chronic, it’s resistantly there and undefined, not just the virus that worries us, it’s the economic impact, it’s the lifestyle changes, it’s the isolation, all these worries are feeding into this threat system resulting in we feeling compelled to RUN away or FIGHT. Unfortunately, we can’t run away from coronavirus, no place to run to, it’s everywhere, it’s global. We can, however, recondition our brain to chill out and handle it, by redirecting your thought into discipline activities.

It turned out this is actually a time to stay home and relax, at least for the majority of the people not in the frontline like health care workers. The question is, is there a way for people to literally from being in an anxious state that we’re in right now to essentially turn it off? Of course, one of them is “guided relaxation” by my psychology professor Steve Joordens.

It’s a very sensible approach, just to give you a little taste, it would just guide you to relax, lay back on the bed and go through your muscle groups from feet all the way to your head, by tightening one muscle group at a time then relax and feel that relaxation. Listen to the audio guide here, it will ultimately have you feeling supremely relaxed.

Can’t clench all day, can you?

Still anxious to do something? Well, gamification and gaming is the biggest getaway activity these days — it got even more desirable with this quarantine, a recent study revealed that playing online games has become a key strategy to unwind and relieve stress.

Gaming to unwind and relieve stress.

This is actually a physical distancing, not social distancing so you can still socialize with your friends and families, have fun and vent your frustrations at the same time safely tucked-up at home in your pyjamas. The outbreak of COVID-19 is forcing organizations to rethink how people work, and work-from-home policies are becoming the norm. With remote work shifting from being forced to more desirable upon workers worldwide, and more people switching to online education and gaming activities, the computational power is increasingly demanded while supply is, unfortunately, decreasing — giving claims for next global crisis.

You might have heard recently the shortage of computing power, especially after Microsoft boss remarks that quantum computers are needed in other to solve the world most difficult problem namely “climate change”. However, he cautioned that it can’t be done without an increase in computing power, echoing his earlier warning that the world is rapidly running out of computer processing power. Well, it got, even more, demanding with the outbreak of coronavirus.

Computational Power crisis

If you wanted to make any government official nervous, just ask them how they’re positioning to tackle this issue, good luck if you put it to President Trump. Just like every other crisis, they still on it and will always be on it. But hang on, … all hopes are not lost! … The world hasn’t run out of innovators yet!

Decentralization is inevitable if we the people must-have solutions done at the proper time that meets our needs, demands and freedom!

Following the outbreak, the crypto community quickly realize the full potential and the opportunities that came with — a blockchain project known to be gearing up to tackle this global shortage of computer processing power. For early supporters this only reaffirms their beliefs in Gaimin’s concept, it’s kind of a self-fulfiling-prophecy for an idea whose time is unquestionable.

This explained why the crypto community was like, “short the ranting and take my money” during Gaimin’s past IEOs. Some say you can’t eat your cake and still have it. Well, now you can! That’s how much this project is bringing to the marketplace at least for gamers, even if you’re not a professional gamer you can still game without even having to worry about funding your gaming experience but there’s more… is bridging between the worldwide demand for computing power and the largest dormant supply of GPU processing power belonging to the global gaming community of 1.3 billion high-speed Internet-connected PCs to satisfy the current, and the future needs for computational power.

Gamer Supercomputer

Gamer’s PC is usually equipped with an advanced GPU (graphics processing card for PC gaming), setups and accessories can run up to a few thousand dollars, plus new games and in-game purchases, hardware and software upgrades, this really makes gaming a very expensive hobby and pressing problem for gamers.

Here’s my last and a-million-dollars question that probably worth billions of dollars in “barter economy” for those in possession of the right answers.

How valuable are your idle resources?

So the team behind was able to identify the quality of these two global problems and become a road body using a blockchain solution to tap through gamer’s unused resources to serve an urgent need in the global demand for computer processing power, which ultimately resolves gamer’s funding problem by monetizing their PC resources when not in use, thereby giving them the purchasing power to fund their gaming experience.

“One” Gaimin stone seem to have killed two giant birds here. Well, you might as well get two rich sons-in-law with one daughter. Unfortunately, that’s the only way to copy and compete with this project!

If you put all that together, what you get is a cutting edge and next-generation fully distributed blockchain network leveraging the most powerful decentralized supercomputers to satisfy an urgent need in the global digital world. In other words, this is not just another blockchain project or me-too kind of stuff, Gaimin project is very unique and disrupter, with outstanding global strategic partnerships to cement its presence globally. Find out more using the links below:








Stay safe, maintain proper hygiene and remember, you can’t be anxious and relaxed at the same time. So by learning how to relax, you are learning to shut off anxiety and better manage your quarantine time. Enjoy the free guided relaxation audio now and thank Gaimin project later.

Inspired by — Bitcointalk profile: c_okenwa



Chikwendu C Okenwa
Chikwendu C Okenwa

Written by Chikwendu C Okenwa

Psychologist | Libertarian | Author | Venture Capitalist | Blockchain Maximalist

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